Our congregation is involved in a number of projects in the community. To learn more or find out how you can get involved, read about some of those projects below or get in touch with us.
Compassion Waco
Our church family is involved with Compassion Waco, in their faith-based transitional housing program for homeless families. Compassion Waco has the unwavering belief that every human being deserves a place to call home, a chance to rebuild their lives, and the hope for a brighter future. They have assigned our church an apartment. We fully stock that apartment 1-2 times a year as new tenants arrive. Some of the ladies from our church will purchase and deliver everything needed to set up a new home. On the list is bedding, towels, crockpot, cookware, dishes, flatware, etc. When you give to RCC you are helping support this ministry. Together with love and compassion, we fulfill our mission to become like Christ and bless the world.
Shepherd’s Heart Robinson Food Pantry
Robinson Church of Christ has been involved for years with Shepherd’s Heart Robinson Food Pantry. Our members join together to serve on distribution Saturdays in April and December. Our members are also invited to volunteer any weekday morning with sorting, dating and boxing items for distribution. We support the pantry with monthly monetary donations as well. Currently the pantry is serving over 300 families every other Saturday year-round.
Foster Village Waco
Our church family is involved with Foster Village Waco. They believe children deserve a village beyond the system. We have joined the village beyond the system by providing a location for Foster Parents Friday Night Out every 3 months. Our members are invited to sign up and come play with the kids and be sure they have fun and stay safe while in our care.